''Extratereștrii voiau să ne cunoască''

Declarație ciudată a unuia dintre astronauții care au ajuns pe Lună: ''Extratereștrii voiau să ne cunoască''

Astronautul Edgar Mitchell, veteran al NASA, component al misiunii Apollo 14 din 1971 şi al șaselea om care a pășit pe Lună, a făcut o declarație surprinzătoare: el consideră că extratereștrii au jucat un rol important în împiedicarea unui război nuclear între Statele Unite şi Uniunea Sovietică la începutul Războiului Rece.

Potrivit lui, extratereştrii ne-ar fi vizitat planeta şi celebra rampă de lansare 'White Sands Proving Ground', unde a fost detonată prima bombă nucleară din lume (deşertul New Mexico, 1945).

'White Sands era un teren de testare a armelor atomice — iar extratereştrii voiau să ne cunoască capacităţile militare. Ne-au împiedicat să pornim războiul şi ne-au ajutat să instalăm pacea pe Pământ', a declarat Edgar Mitchell, citat de The Mirror.

Astronautul nu este singurul care susţine această teorie. 'Am vorbit cu mulţi ofiţeri ai Forţelor aeriene care au lucrat acolo în timpul Războiului Rece. Mi-au spus că au fost observate frecvent OZN-uri în împrejurimi, iar atunci rachetele deveneau inutilizabile. Alţi ofițeri de la baze aflate pe coasta Pacificului mi-au spus că rachetele lansate de ei au fost adesea doborâte de nave spațiale extraterestre', afirmă Mitchell.

Mitchell este sigur că extratereştri au aterizat acum aproape 70 de ani la Roswell (New Mexico) şi câţiva dintre ei au fost capturaţi vii! 'Cel mai bun plan era să mintă în această privinţă şi să păstreze secretul pentru ei. Au clasificat evenimentul top secret şi acest lucru a dat naştere la o cortină de fier interioară, o separare a unui grup secret în cadrul guvernului şi restul publicului american', a încheiat fostul astronaut al NASA


Dosarele Fastwalkers (Tradus în RO)

Alien ?


New UFO Sightings 2015 - Alien Encounters REAL UFO ABDUCTION

3.000 Year-Old Prehistoric Spaceship With Headless Pilot

During an archaeological diggings at Tushpa (today called Toprakkale), Turkey in 1973, archaeologists discovered a precious stone artifact, of which estimated age is about 3000 years old, though some experts cast doubt on its age.

The object – made of a soft yellowish brown stone – was investigated by the famous researcher and author Zecharia Sitchin who describes the artifact as follows:

“The object itself is a sculpted scale model of what, to modern eyes, looks like a cone-nosed space vehicle, 23 cm long, 9.5 cm high, and 8 cm wide (about 5.7, 3.8, and 3.5 inches respectively). It is powered by a cluster of four exhaust engines in the back surrounding a larger

Second Sun visible in Indonesie

A harbinger that Nibiru is nearing Earth?

Reports of a Second Sun continue. The latest report came from a witness who took a picture of a second sun from the 6th floor of the Silver Radar Tarakan building in Kalimantan, Indonesie on December 4, 2015.

The rare phenomenon was visible for a few minutes until it was covered with clouds.

In the world of science the phenomenon is known as a Sun Dog, an atmospheric phenomenon that consists of a pair of bright spots on either side on the Sun.

This phenomenon can occur anywhere and anytime. However, it will be more easily visible when the sun is at a lower position on the horizon (at sunrise or sunset).

However, many believe Nibiru does exist and a second sun in the sky is a sign or harbinger that Nibiru is nearing Earth.

A respected person who believes that Nibiru exists is Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Sasha Alex Lessin wrote a fascinating article about Nibiru, which I recommend to read. (Click here to read Sasha Alex Lessin's article). Below some quotes out of the article referring to the origin of Nibiru, where it is, when Nibiru will arrive and how it will affect us.

10,900 B.C. Uranus drifted away from the Sun and sped Nibiru toward Earth sooner than 3,600 years.

From 10,000 BCE. on, Uranus speeded Nibiru’s orbit to 3450 Earth years rather than 3600.

Nibiru has an orbit that looks like an infinity symbol. Every second time around this sidewise, (See figure left) Nibiru will cause earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and possibly a pole shift.

If the information from the Ilat-Litum Tablets that a Nazi expedition in 1939 found in Antarctica is correct, many people will die because of this.

The Ilat-Litum Tablets explain Nibiru’s sidewise-8 orbit thus: “the point of crossing lies on one level but not at the same point in space. One time the encounter in (the zodiacal house of) Aquarius causes Earth’s orbit to shift, but the other time it orbits the asteroid belt without disrupting Earth.

Nibiru returned to perigee in 7450, 4000, and 556 B.C. and next returns to the inner solar system in 2900 BCE. Though the debris 180 degrees from Nibiru on Nibiru’s orbital path, its far LaGrange point moving in harmonic procession always opposite Nibiru, may be upon us now!